Addis Ababa Extraordinary Congress (2018)


NOTE: Sep. 20, 2018. Preliminary verison of page.

On September 3-7, 2018, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) held its first substantive Extraorindary Congress in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The primary purpose of the Congress was to adopt amendments to the acts of the UPU to add eight seats to the Postal Operations Council and revise the rules for election to that council. These changes will take effect in the Postal Operations Council elected by the 2020  Côte d’Ivoire Congress.

Documents of the Extraordinary Congress

Proposals. The proposals submitted to the Congress (as of Sep. 20, 2018).

Documents. All Congress documents  (as of Sep. 20, 2018). Document 12 includes decisions of the Congress other than changes to the acts of the UPU.

Reports. Minutes of the meetings  (as of Sep. 20, 2018).

Draft Acts. The draft acts of the Extraordinary Congress (as of Sep. 20, 2018).

Selected videos from the Extraordinary Congress

Excerpts from the official video of the UPU Extraordinary Congress. Complete videos are available from UN Web TV at: universal-postal-union-upu-second-extraordinary-congress-3-7-september-2018-addis-ababa-ethiopia. Selections and explanatory titles by James I. Campbell Jr.

Proposals 04 and 11. 48 minutes. Thursday, Sep. 6, 2018, morning session. The debate on Proposals 04 and 11, instructions to the Postal Operations Council regarding the preparation of the "Integrted Remuneration Plan," a proposal on remuneration provisions to be considered at the 2020 Côte d’Ivoire Congress and implementation beginning in 2022. The final version of  Proposal 11 as amended in set out as Resolution C6/2018 in Document 12, above.

Norway proposal on reservations. 22 minutes. Thursday, Sep. 6, 2018, morning session. The debate on the Norwegian proposal to relax restrictions on reservations to certain provisions in the UPU Convention.

US statement on Presidential Memorandum. 2 minutes. Friday, Sep. 7, 2018, afternoon session. US closing statement on the Presidential Memorandum and future work at the UPU.

Entry into force of the acts of the Extraordinary Congress. 18 minutes. Friday, Sep. 7, 2018, afternoon session. Discussion of the need for ratification or approval of the acts of the UPU before they are binding on a member country and the date for acts of the Extraordinary Congress to enter into force.